Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sydney Ponson: The College Kid of Major League Pitching

Sydney Ponson pitches a ball game like I write papers. The son of a bitch pitches so lazily, loading the bases, and just figures that he'll pull three outs out of his ass. This system failed him miserably (it's worked alright so far for me, maybe I should take a lesson and start writing like Mussina) this evening against the indescribably evil Boston Red Sox. The rest of the Yankees' rotation has been doing their part, but this guy is still trying to get Cs four hours before class. UGH!

In other news, Tim and Eric is on right now! I'm fucking stoked!

For the record, I will probably spend the rest of the summer bitching about Major League baseball players. Please keep in mind that they are grown men paid to play a game. They can handle some douche making fun of them on a blog no one reads.

Let's hope for serious injuries in Boston and Tampa.

Photo Courtesy of intellectual theft.

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