Friday, February 6, 2009

Knee Jerk

So some guy was just on CNN talking about Guantanamo Bay, and I just have some things that need to be said about it.

Okay, the guy lost his son on 9/11. That's terrible. I had people close to me die on 9/11 too. The people who did that were bad people, and I definitely understand being upset at the masterminds, but guess what, the people in Gitmo weren't the masterminds of 9/11. They weren't anything. They were SUSPECTS. Do you know how American Justice works guy? It doesn't work like, "These guys have the same religious faith as 19 fanatics who flew planes into some buildings killing 3000 people, let's lock them up." It goes like this, "We think you may have done something, let's present the facts of what happened to a bunch of people and see what they think." That stuff didn't happen.

Here's another thing. What does jihad mean? Do you know? Because I do, and when you said it, I got the impression that you don't. Jihad means any struggle for the faith of Islam. Literally every muslim has a "jihad," but that doesn't mean they need to be locked up or they'll kill innocent Americans.

UGH! I know it isn't fair to take on one idiot with a big mouth, but 1) it's bullshit that they gave this guy time on CNN because he was obviously not informed AT ALL, 2) no patriotic American can support the existence of the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center. It goes against everything we believe. The Constitution has been fine about the due course of law for nearly 220 years. So anyone who is pissed that Guantanamo Bay is closing while flying the American flag is a hypocrite.

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