Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Innauguration Day

So today, a guy I like is becoming the President. I think it's pretty cool, personally. It's at the very least a step in the right direction for the country, and it will set "race" (race isn't a real thing folks, it's an arbitrary set of features that some dudes from Europe created to be able to enslave the formerly non-christians that they turned into christians, but this is another topic for another jazzebration) relations in this country forward by leaps and bounds.

But I just want to get something out there that's been on my mind for a while. Through the course of my political and philosophical wanderings, I have seen politics from a number of perspectives, and I am just now content to lay my philosophy out. There will always be rulers and there will always be the ruled. If that isn't the case, we're all going to revert to killing each other to get basic needs, and just sort of generally being shitty.

There is only so much that each person is capable of controlling in the realm of big P politics, and opinions differ greatly on what each person's effect should be. I think the break down of left and right has gotten silly because we all basically have the same goals, just different ways we want to go about achieving them.

So I intend to buck big P politics. That's not to say I won't participate, I believe that's important. But to think that I have the power to change the relationship between the rulers and the ruled is ridiculous. I want to focus on the little things that I can change, that we all can change. The biggest weapon any one person wields is their money, so know where your money goes, donate to charity. If you don't like corporations, don't give them your money; buy from smaller suppliers. And basically, don't be a dick.

I hope Barack Obama can help change the bigger stuff. That's why I voted for him. Me, I'm just going to try to not be a dick.

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