Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Some Observations on People who Support John McCain

So, and granted this is not really based on a whole lot except watching TV and such, I have noticed something about McCain voters that has led me to believe that they are actually stupid and that I haven't just been an elitist liberal prick for thinking so. Okay, ignore the fact that they are more actively trying to divide America into the "real" America and the "not real, pussy-ass commie" America, and that a good percentage of the people speaking for McCain voters in the media think Obama is a Muslim. The real thing that I have heard people say is that Obama will take America in a direction it's never gone. Fucking...seriously? That's a problem?

Listen up. The American economy is on the verge of collapse. People will start losing their jobs and then they can't spend money and then there is no demand for anything and more people will lose jobs. This is what will happen if we don't DRASTICALLY change the way we operate, we're FUCKED! I am at the point now where I really think that people supporting McCain are woefully ignorant.

If McCain wins, we don't deserve democracy because we are obviously not making the effort to be informed. America needs the drastic change that McCain supporters seem to fear. I'm done with respectful disagreement. YOU are the anti-"American" if you support McCain. You are supporting a candidate whose policy will allow America to collapse. You are the naive ones.

1 comment:

Tim said...



there's a million of these but those two are pretty bad.